General Information
Please feel free to edit this letter and make it more personal!
donation_letter_template.doc |
blakes_fundraiser_2011.png |
gmb_finance_info.doc |
check_donation_tracking_form.doc |
Travel Immunizations in the Bay Area
Free and low-cost Hepatitis Vaccination in the Bay Area
Visa Information
United States passport holders DO NOT need a visa prior to entering Honduras. If your passport is from a country OTHER than the US, please visit to find out if you need a visa (warning: this document is in Spanish!). You are responsible for obtaining your visa prior to departure.
Honduran Visa Requirements |
Visa Application |
List of Consulates |
The meds flier and packing list detail the medications and supplies that will help make our brigade a success.
gmb_pharmacy_handbook_mansi.pdf |
Meds Flier |
Necessary Medication Packing list |
In-kind donations tracker |
The In-Kind Donations Tracker is for brigaders to track non-monetary donations (ie medications and supplies) for the purpose of providing a tax deduction receipt to donors.
Health Professionals
GMB members, please feel free to edit the "Letter to Physicians" so that it contains your contact information and perspective!
gmb_letter_to_physicians_template.doc |
FAQ's for Medical Professionals |
Dental Station Info |